
HARRY POTTER, Old Magic, Chapter 46

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Chapter 46: The Elder Council

"Thank you Farley for making time to help me," Agatha said.

The two were setting up the barn with the table used during the recent Christmas celebration held at the Hagrid's farm. Since there were soo many that had been asked to attend this important occasion it was thought their farm would be a more conducive location for the gathering as well as being safer and more secure as well.

"Glad to help out grandmother. I know this be an important occasion. Wish I could listen in," Farley said wistfully as he helped set the immense table in the center of the barn's huge space with a wave of his hand.

"Och, you might find some of it interesting I'm sure laddie, but the rest are details that would bore you. But more importantly grandson, there are many things you should not be informed of for your own safety. There be many Death Eaters and beasts with bad intentions out there and the less you know the safer you will be," she said gently as she magically set chairs where they were required.

"Oh aye, I know grandmother," Farley sighed as he set lights about from the rafters with a casual wave of his hand. "But this be grim times and I had only wished to be prepared is all."

"That be a good reason but unfortunately laddie, not a good enough reason to allow you attendance," she said understandably. He nodded. "Well I think that does it. Now we need to prepare a meal since the council will be convened for some hours. Come along and let's get started." She walked toward the back door of the house.

"Coming, grandmother," Farley said, waving a hand to close the barn doors then trotting after her.


By late morning, members of the Elder Council of the United Kingdom apparated, walked, or flew into Hagrid's barn, as well as more than ten outsiders. After meets and greets, the council took their seats around the table while guests sat in a circle of comfortable chairs or stood, based on their biology, in a circle of their own, behind them.

"Now that the foul being has been dealt with, I'm guessing you be telling us what our next move will be and when, Jason?" Magorian, the centaur leader, asked the half giant sitting at the head of the long table. Magorian represented centaurs, intelligent water beasts (like the mermaids and the giant squid in Hogwarts lake), and other four footed beasts (like the hippogriffs).

Jason, leader of the Elder Council and representative for the half Giants, nodded at his friend and fellow council member. "Yes my friend, and I have thought on this subject for some time. I have since realized that just forcing a meeting with the Ministry may not be enough to keep our needs and desires from being ignored or dismissed. With advice from others here, I have decided to use some methods that have worked well elsewhere in the world to push our agenda across before the unveiling to the ministry."

Looks of confusion spread over many faces except those already in the know about what Jason was talking about.

"Severus, I asked you here for several reasons but the first concerns how we may go about infiltrating the Wizarding Wireless Network and News outlets and if you have any ideas on how to access it for our purposes?"

Snape blinked in consternation and surprise. He had surmised the council would have him come to this important meeting for his input on Death Eater movements so this question was a complete surprise.

"Why would you want to? I thought you wanted to announce your intentions to the those in power before those of the public in general?"

Jason shook his great head. "I have been persuaded this is the wrong step to take and after listening to their arguments, I am forced to agree with their reasons. A few of the important objections were: Cornelius Fudge is a stubborn fool. Though his heart be in the right place as to his concerns for his people of Wizarding England overall, it be his many prejudices against intelligent beasts and the poor of the wizarding world that are a hindrance to his listening ear. Plus, I'm told he be a bit of a coward and will take the path of least resistance to retain his beliefs that the peace he harbors is real even going as far as breaking the law to do it. This be why the poor fool insists on clinging to the belief that Voldemort and his minions don't exist despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. So we must take a more circumspect path to obtaining the support we need to have our needs heard clearly."

"Ahh, yes. Fudge is particularly afraid of losing his position as Ministry leader besides the reasons you mentioned. And yes, despite his good intentions, he isn't above using illegal and corrupt means to keep his position and the peace he thinks he has," Snape agreed.

"Just so. That being said, thanks to Darius I have decided to take a lesson from muggles on how they manage their political difficulties. This be the second reason: it seems that if they wish a certain point of view to be heard and the ones they wish to hear it are stubborn, they will flood the media and airways with protest ads announcing what it is they are trying to force notice of to the public garnering as much support as they can before they attempt to gain the true ears of those with the power to make those changes," Jason explained.

"But our people have used that method too. What makes the muggle way any different?" Broadrig the Boss-Eyed, objected. He had been selected to represent all goblins. He was especially suited because of his work with the Brotherhood of Goblins who had been working to get wand usage by their kind accepted and recognition as beings not beasts from wizarding kind for centuries.

"That be true Broadrig, but we also do not have as many avenues nor protections from our government that allows protests as the muggles do. They are usually placated and have the law on their side for peaceful congress while we have no such rights and are immediately arrested or put down," Jason reminded.

Broadrig grimaced. "Aye, that certainly be true alright and it doesn't help that the wealthy wizards are automatically prejudiced against us and that the bloody Daily Prophet prints only what the wizarding government sees fit to let it print."

"And they tend to exaggerate that truth and care less about any facts that contradict what they spout," Darius warned, he was seated just behind and to the right of Jason since the table was for the council only.

It was unheard of to have a muggle attend a meeting of magical beings but it was his background they sorely needed in this instance. And besides, it was he who had a hand in raising Harry Potter and keeping the council apprised of what the muggles were doing outside wizard society so he had a right to attend.

"Yes, so I have heard which is why we will insure any information that is disseminated is accurate and has proof along with it. However, we can't make people believe despite the proof we provide them. Which is why our hopes are to reach the ears of those who are open minded enough to hear and question what they are being told as our best chance of getting the Ministry to listen because these people's outrage and anger would force the government to heed the message or at least give it a hearing before trying to dismiss it. It is hoped this way we can prevent Fudge and company from attempting to bury our cause," Justin explained gravely.

"Aye, I can see how that may be a better way to get this done then," Broadrig conceded. "Then might I ask how it will be done and by who when we do send our message?"

"That was what I was asking of Severus," Jason said, turning his attention to Snape.

"Yes, you did ask me that question," Severus said, a frown on his face. "But I'm afraid I haven't the skill set to address it. My interactions with the media have been limited as my whole mission was to remain undercover and out of the public eye as much as possible."

"Aye that be the unfortunate truth, Jason," Hagrid spoke up. "However, I do know who we should be asking this question and that would be Darius and his friends with the tech knowledge we lack."

"Oh?" Jason's eyebrows rose in curiosity and question. Taking that as permission to continue, Hagrid said, "What I mean to say, sir, is these folks know how to push through their own messages into those already established media outlets most particularly the Wizarding Wireless Network. As for the printed news, I believe we should seek the assistance of Xenophilius Lovegood. He prints the Quibbler that many do read even if they don't always believe what's printed."

"You must be joking!" Alier the Elf and Sanguini the Vampire said at the same time. Alier was leader of the elves and Sanguini was the Vampire representative for the Vampires that were on the side of the Light.

"Now, now, I do know they print a lot of outlandish rubbish but there has been a time or two when they have printed impressive news that the public gobbled up and took more seriously. Our news would be like that. Unlike the Daily Prophet that the government controls we can get Lovegood's cooperation without much effort since this be up his alley," Hagrid insisted.

The objectors thought about that a moment. Heads began nodding as they thought through the idea a bit more.

"Hmm, that is certainly true. Since it appears Darius may be the best option for the wireless communication, should I be the one to speak to Lovegood about publishing our message?" Snape asked Jason.

Jason frowned in thought. "I do not know Lovegood myself, what think you Hagrid?"

"I do know Xeno. An odd fellow he be but honest and true. He does not think much of me either, good or bad, but I believe he may heed what I have to say. At least he wont be that skeptical of the subject matter," Hagrid said, a ghost of humor in his voice.

A few chuckles greeted that observation.

"Very well, council … do all agree allowing Darius and Hagrid to be our representatives in getting our message out to the public?"

"Aye!"... "Any objections?"... No response. Jason nodded his head and waited for his scribe, a dwarf with excellent penmanship and attention to detail, to finish writing. Now let's next item we need to address, the meeting place when such finally comes around. When we have the public riled up in our favor, we hope, we need a safe and impartial location to hold this momentous event. I am sure I need not mention why the Ministry of Magic is not an option?"

Magorian snorted, amused. "No indeed but where else can such a meet be held that will be safe and secure as well as large enough for the number of people we think will be there as I'm certain it wont just be the Wizengamot you intend to invite?"

"You are correct, my friend. Such an occasion requires many witnesses so with that in mind the Quidditch Trillenium Stadium has been put forward," Jason stated quietly. Stunned silence greeted that announcement. A brief objection floated out about the press but was soon discounted as it was realized the more witnesses the better their chances at being heard but only if the witnesses were on their side or at least impartial enough to listen.

"Uhm, a bit ostentatious is it not?" Sanguini ventured, in a soft, mellow voice.

"Yes, but we are only going to use the Quidditch Pitch area. We'll have bleachers set up surrounding a central table. The table is where the ones in power that have the authority to sign an agreement will sit. The bleachers will hold all other interested parties, including the press," Jason explained.

"Well I think that be an excellent choice, Jason," Broadrig said, "But wont security be difficult to maintain."

"I would handle that. We be using a special type of spell similar to a portkey but one capable of managing a great number of people with less side effects. It's not generally known as yet but it has been tested with great results. We're quite pleased with its performance," Blayrock said in his deep, gravely voice, his thick lips curved in a broad smile.

Dwarfs were very well known for their work in metals, jewelry, weapons, and more recently combining their skills with tech to create things never heard of before. Before, the use of magic had the bad tendency of shorting out any modern technology but over the decades dwarfs and certain squibs from muggle families with science and tech skills had formed a co-op think tank that studied and developed ways to combine magic and tech to form new spells, weapons, devices, and such. Very cutting edge stuff. So it wasn't really surprising they had found a way to handle a great number of people while maintaining a high level of security.

"Excellent," Jason said, approvingly. "And how goes the method by which we intend to send our message to the attendees?"

"Oh you are going to truly love this," Blayrock said with pride, rubbing his thick palms together with glee. "We managed to finally fix the glitch that kept the devices from reaching their destination and self destructing too soon. They work perfectly now and should impress the recipients. And more importantly, convince them we mean business and are powerful enough to back up our claims."

"They still might not believe enough to attend despite the push by the public we be hoping to get," Magorian warned.

"Aye, that we know so when all have been given their devices we will send special, uh, helpers to pick up those who are reluctant to use them," Jason told them.

"But what is to prevent them from using these things to simply leave before hearing anything?" Ronan, Magorian's second in command, objected.

"Easy, the devices stop working as soon as they arrive at their destination. They will only work again when Jason gives the secret command hidden in it," Blayrock assured them, smirking.

Fawkes gave a trill of delight causing everyone else to smile.

"Things are indeed going forward toward our goal, I see," Jason said smiling with pleasure but not for long. His expression drew down as he continued. "However, despite having all this decided we still must wait to release our message. Using the discussed method for disseminating it means it will take longer to accomplish and see results."

"Yes, it certainly will and cause the Order to become even more worried and angry about being forced to continue holding off announcing Voldemort's demise. And don't forget this means I must maintain my position as double agent, at least until the remaining Death Eater inner circle is captured," Snape reminded everyone.

"I am most afraid that boat has already sailed, Severus," Hagrid spoke up. "I already have heard rumors of your defection to the Light."

Snape grimaced but before he could speak Justin said, "Aye, I too have heard such rumors as well." Turning his head toward Snape who sat between Hagrid and Darius, he continued, "I do not intend for you to return to such duties, Severus. Your skill as a spy for both sides has waned and become quite deadly for you. But we do still have need of your talents and to that end, we wish you to continue teaching at Hogwarts. I do know this will force you to deal with all the Death Eater's children and others like minded but I know you can handle this challenge. But do, please, be watchful. We don't want to lose you."

Before Snape could respond, Magorian made a suggestion. "I could ask Firenze if he would take that teaching job that was offered in Divination so that you may have someone covering your back."

Snape was about to say no then stopped and realized the enormity of just how many hands would be against him at the school besides elsewhere. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, he nodded reluctantly. "That would be kind of you Magorian. I normally am able to handle my own safety but I now realize that with that part of what I was exposed, I could indeed be in serious danger. Thank you for thinking of that." A small smile touched his lips. "And there is also young Harry too."

"Oh aye. There be nothing to keep that young scamp from jumping in, more's the pity," Magorian sighed in agreement.

Many were the smiles in the room about the bravery and determination of the young firebrand that held the future of their world in his still young hands.

"I'm afraid that since I have been compromised, that I am also unable to perform my part in finding the Death Eaters except for identifying them for the hunters as well as finding them within Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. And might I ask if our people will be assisting the Order since they are the ones doing the hunting right now? It might also help them learn to trust and work with us...stop treating us like unintelligent beasts, for that is half the battle we face now with our supposed allies," Snape reminded them.

"Ahh, you have made a valid point, Severus but I'm not sure we would be welcome..." Jason began.

"I agree in part that we need the Order's trust but say nay to actually providing active assistance as the more inhuman of us would only make them more resistant to our aid. Besides, we have done well hunting them on our own when they invade our forests and mountain retreats but we be not of much use outside it," Tongra, leader of the few ogres willing to be represented by the council, interjected.

"Aye that be true unfortunately, but I bring news that many of that evil brotherhood have taken to hiding in the small villages that border the Forbidden Forest and other small towns and villages around the world. No reason we cannot ferret them out and take them captive or kill them if they resist hard enough or threaten the innocent," Apolline Delacour, who represented the Veela on the council, stated coolly. "I and mine are able to use our abilities to capture them alive for questioning if that is desired."

"That be an excellent idea," Annis Black, the only Hag on the council and alive in this century, agreed, eyes gleaming with anticipation of such a hunt.

"Do all agree to Apolline's plan," Jason asked the council. "Aye!" Was the resounding cry.

"Any objections?" He asked.

"Only of the hunt for the Death Eaters hidden in most businesses and the Ministry," Snape interjected before any could respond. "That will take great finesse and skill to dig those out."

"True," Jason nodded, thoughtfully. "What do you suggest we do about them?"

"For spying and determining who be a Death Eater, there might be one we could convince to help us and has the added advantage of actually working with the Ministry of Magic. He is so insignificant that he could hear and spy on all those we suspect as being Death Eaters and might even know who they are himself..." Broadrig interjected.

"Who might that be?" Snape asked, frowning. All the ones he knew were part of the Order.

"His name is Eric Munch, a nondescript wizard most pay no mind to except when he is checking their wands before they enter the ministry. Of late, I have noted he has been absent from his post but seen here and there in other areas. Perhaps we should investigate why and see if we can recruit him?"

"I would never have considered him. I surmise you noticed him the times you have been attempting to get your case heard, yes?" Snape asked.


"That means you also are familiar to all there. Do they bother you or ignore you?" Snape asked, an idea perking in his brain.

"Most times ignore me. What be you thinking, Severus?"

"That you too would be an excellent liaison. If Munch does agree to help then he would need back up in getting that information out to our hunters. We can't very well have him try to apprehend them since he has to remain undercover but he needs only to finger the culprits and our hunters pick them off once they leave the ministry at end of day. We may be fortunate enough to take them all quickly if all or nearly all could be identified. Otherwise, if we only manage a few here and there they will get suspicious and perhaps disappear or take out our spy," Snape explained.

"Oh aye, that's a given." Broadrig scratched his hairy forehead in thought. "I like it but I have something else to add. I send many of my own people to the ministry when I haven't the time so that increases the number of eyes and ears for our needs."

"That takes care of discovering who the enemy is but who will be the ones that capture those identified, especially if it is a large number?" Alier, the Elf Leader asked, speaking for the first time.

"Aye. That be a huge undertaking and not one we who are not human or accepted can take on," Broadrig warned.

"That was the next thing I was concerned about," Snape responded. "Though the Order can help with some of that we are too few for as many we fear are out there so this is why I fear we must bring the Auror's on board as they have as much to lose as we do and they have more numbers."

An uproar of disagreement met that statement. For some minutes people argued and shouted in heated debate for and against the idea. Jason let them be. They were more likely to come up with solutions or run out of steam before long. Either way it would allow them to vent before he would need to step in and get the discussion back on track.

"Please, everyone, hear me out," Snape raised his voice and receiving silence moments later. "I do realize that nearly half the Aurors are prejudiced against those that have been classified as beasts and barely give a listen to those thought of as sentient. But if we do not convince them we are more than they realize magically and are capable of aiding them they will be a detriment and blockade when it comes time to capture the ones we've identified. They might even be worse as they try to take us out as well as the Death Eaters. Thus it is equally important to win them over as it is to get the public to see us as more than animals or intelligent beasts. We must convince them or we will fail before we can even begin and the Death Eaters will have succeeded in restarting their war because we will all be too busy fighting amongst ourselves to stop them."

People gaped or frowned in response to that information which then devolved into many conversations discussing the pros and cons of what Snape had brought up.

"Your argument has merit, Severus," Jason said soothingly to him alone. "Give them time and they will see it as a necessary evil and mayhap find ways to accomplish it."

He too had failed to realize what leaving the Auror's out of the equation could do to their plans but this was why a meeting such as this was necessary so no detail was left out. He felt sure with so many different minds working on the problems, that they, unlike their enemies, would be more successful.

Hagrid, surprisingly was the first to emerge as the central speaker for including the Aurors. All conversations stopped to listen. "I know trusting the Wizards at this junction be hard but the good news is the leader of the Aurors is a tough minded, fair, and shrewd wizard. If anyone be open minded enough it be her."

"You are correct Rubeus," Severus agreed. "As a member of the Wizengamot, Amelia Bones is considered an unbiased judge who will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision. When she is part of a team of interrogators in court, Madam Bones' success in keeping the trials fairly unbiased is legendary and this despite her defiance in the face of Fudge's threats to fire anybody loyal or friendly to the Light. Often times she has to remind the court that under the rules laid down by her department, the accused has the right to provide witnesses and evidence in their defense and to use magic in front of Muggles if circumstances threatened the safety of all present, something Fudge tries repeatedly to deny the accused. Her stance on Muggles and the rules Wizards must abide by are stringently upheld by her office. This is in our favor during these swiftly changing times. Having her on our side is definitely a plus for our cause. Of all the members of the Wizengamot, Madam Bones is the one most likely to hear our case without bias and who will fight her peers for our right to be heard and not ignored. She wont bury her head in the sand as Fudge does, to avoid unpleasantness nor does she care if her job is threatened. She will always do what is right."

"Aye, she be a right little fighter who wont give up when she thinks the little guys rights are being abused. She wont hesitate to admit publicly that the enemy has infiltrated everywhere, not caring if the delicate feelings of the upper crust of Wizarding society are scandalized. She will take care of business and ruthlessly clean house," Hagrid added with a wolfish smile.

Snape smiled back, not upset at being interrupted. "Indeed Rubeus, she will. No better person in the ministry could we get than Amelia Bones to be on our side. I am glad you think her a viable candidate. We need to inform her of what is going on and get her working with us because, I promise you, she will be a formidable opponent if against us."

Most of the council were suitably impressed so when discussions began again it was to go over the ramifications of including the Aurors for some little while but, eventually, none could suggest a different plan, person, or idea.

Noting this, Jason took back the meeting. "I am glad we've reached a census on this matter and I am grateful to you Severus for bringing this up. So to clarify what our first steps must be toward capturing the enemy: one, contact the leader of the Aurors, Amelia Bones and gain her cooperation for the hunt and capture or kill. Second, the Veela will hunt our enemy in villages, towns and larger businesses. Third, the goblins will identify and report back to the council the names of the enemy in the Ministry and will work with watch wizard named Munch, if he can be found and convinced to aid our cause, to gather those names. Does this sum it up?" Heads nodded. "Do you all agree?"

A loud trill interrupted before a consensus could be taken. Jason nodded at the Phoenix gravely, "The council recognizes Fawkes."

Snape turned to the Phoenix, who represented all flying beasts of intellect, familiars, and house elves and held a seat at the council table. For today's special meeting, Snape had been called upon to translate Fawkes' thoughts to those not part of the council. Members of the council were perfectly capable of understanding Fawkes during their regular meetings because the old bird would allow mind to mind speech with them for ease of communications and getting the wishes of those he represented heard.

"I wish to remind the council that there are house elves who would be willing to act as hidden eyes and ears at the Ministry and at some of the wealthy homes that aren't associated with our enemies. I would be willing to contact them and relay the information to Severus who passes it to the hunters. Also Thiralon, the Hippogriff, has asked to be included in the hunt. His people have suffered much from the incursion to the north of the Forbidden Forest by these evil persons and wants his pound of flesh. And do not forget the familiars at the castle. They too can be counted on to find and seek our enemies among Slytherin House." He could speak clear and concise English when he wished especially if he wanted his message clearly understood. Also, for today this made it easier for Snape to translate for everyone else.

"The more eyes and ears the better, I say," Blayrock, the dwarf's leader, shouted his agreement and banged the table with his heavy fist to emphasis it.

"I agree. So say all?" Jason asked.

Again he was halted by Severus. "Forgive me but we still haven't addressed including the Order of the Phoenix. They too are actively hunting the enemy as well but avoiding the Aurors and our own hunting parties. You must admit with all these agencies running around, we are very likely to run into each other and infighting will occur and the enemy will be able to slip by us while we all squabble."

"Oh aye, that have the same stench as the problem with the Aurors," Blayrock groaned. Others sighed in agreement.

"Do you have a suggestion for this Severus?" Jason asked, keeping them on task.

"Only suggestion that would work is bring Dumbledore into this part of our plans as we are about to do with Aurors. He and the Order are already aware that Voldemort is dead and that hunting the rest of his minions needs to be taken care of. With so many hunting parties, it becomes clear we must coordinate our efforts or our mission will fail," Snape said, gravely.

"Och, this be winding up to be a great mess...too many crows in the pie as it were," Broadrig grunted, disgusted.

"It certainly could be but it seems the only way to prevent this becoming a disorganized mess. So it does make sense to have all leaders involved coordinate with each other at all times so no ones efforts are wasted," Jason said gravely. "That would mean Magorian for our hunters, Bones for the Aurors, Broadrig for those monitoring the Ministry for Magic Headquarters, and Dumbledore for the Order and Hogwarts, agreed?"

A loud "Aye" was his answer. "Any objections?"

"I'm afraid I have one more objection," Darius quietly interrupted, surprising everyone. "In the muggle world this would be called an operation with the mission being "take out the bad guys." Surprised chuckles greeted that cliche. Darius smiled briefly before hurrying on, " We've made a good start by selecting group leaders and designating what each groups responsibilities are during the operation. However, what hasn't been done is designating who is the ultimate leader of this operation? A central leader is absolutely necessary to ensure this operation succeeds. They keep all groups focused on the task at hand, deals with any personality conflicts, keeps communications flowing, and acts as liaison between the groups and anyone trying to stop them from completing their tasks. This person will also need a staff that will help with communications, collection and dissemination of information to the group leaders, guard the prisoners, who I strongly recommend not be allowed to be taken to Azkaban or the jail located within wizarding headquarters. If that happens then we lose control of the information gained from the prisoners and risk the chance they might be used as pawns, killed, or rescued by their fellow Death Eaters. This is a big thing we are trying to take on. We need to insure we don't miss anything that will risk it being a success."

Silence greeted him when he stopped speaking then multiple conversations began but no shouting or arguing.

As this went on Jason eyed Darius with new eyes. "There is much we might learn from you friend Darius. You are correct. This operation as you call it does need a leader."

"I think it should be you, sir," Darius said, sincerely.

Jason looked mildly surprised. "Nay, I am a leader, yes, but not a military one nor a strategist of the degree we need for such an endeavor but I thank you for thinking I might be sufficient."

"Then what about being a co-leader?" Snape suddenly interjected. He'd been listening to the interchange between Jason and Darius very carefully and when Jason declined being leader for the 'operation' he had a burst of inspiration that he knew was going to be unacceptable. But the person he was thinking of was the only viable choice.

Jason frowned at Snape as did many of the other leaders. "What do you mean, Severus?"

"We need a leader that the Forest people will listen to but we also need a military leader to take charge of the army we have formed with this meeting. I recommend Kingsley Shacklebolt." The room erupted with objections and confusion. Not many knew of Shacklebolt except as a member of the Order.

"Peace everyone," Jason said more loudly than was normal for him. Silence fell but faces were very unhappy. "Please explain your reasons for this person, Severus."

"For those that don't know him, Kingsley Shacklebolt is a member of the Order of the Phoenix as well as an Auror in the Ministry of Magic. The man is calm and controlled in any situation and is a powerful wizard in his own right. A well liked and respected wizard of both the ministry and the Order, he has also developed the exceptional skill of dressing and acting like a muggle allowing him access to the seats of power in the muggle world. His sharp intelligence has served him well as a spy for the Order within the ministry and within the British parliament. Kingsley is level-headed and a good judge of character which allows him to trust individuals, regardless of age, based on his knowledge of their character and abilities and believes in equality and fairness for all wizards and muggles. However, even though he can be a faithful and devoted individual, he does not blindly follow those he works for, using his own judgement instead of waiting for orders and isn't afraid to speak his mind when things don't seem right. More importantly, for us, it is his flexible mind that is able to deal with any situation and find an effective strategy to get the best results that makes him the perfect man for this job," Snape summarized.

Many a considering look was cast his way when he finished. Small discussions broke out as everyone had their say about this important decision. Jason relaxed and closed his eyes for a moment introspection of his own, his ears tuned to some of the things being said around him.

After about an hour, he felt there had been enough time to hash out any serious disagreements on the selection of this leader so it was time to declare a vote be made.

May I have your attention, please?" His deep voice rang out. Silence fell immediately and all eyes turned toward him. "Now that we have covered all aspects of this huge endeavor we have planned, do we have a full consensus on the previous items discussed and listed with the addition of Kingsley Shacklebolt being approached to be our co-leader for this operation as Darius has coined it?" Jason asked gravely. A resounding "aye" filled the rafters. "Any nays," Jason asked. No one responded. "Excellent! Then I suggest we have Severus and Rubeus approach Mr. Shacklebolt with our proposal and hope that he gives a positive response. We need an answer within the week. Is that going to work for you two?" Jason turned to the two named with a raised eyebrow.

Severus had already guessed he would be the one to ask Kingsley so glanced toward Hagrid to see if he was up for this. Hagrid simply nodded his head, his expression grave. Answering for the both of them, Snape said, "We will get with him as soon as possible."

"Excellent. I will await your report." Pausing to look around, Jason gathered his thoughts before announcing, "I believe we have covered matters needing addressed. I am sorry we cannot relieve the stress of those who must now remain silent about Voldemort's demise except to Auror Madam Amelia Bones but please inform them that the wait will be hopefully only another week as our agents get the needed information disseminated to the public and we see their response."

"I understand the delay but how will we know when the time is right to set the meeting and send the devices?" Blayrock demanded to know.

"I do not know at this time, good friend, but I will be watching and listening for the right moment so stand ready," Jason told him. Blayrock sighed but nodded.

"One last thing before we adjourn … as suggested by Darius, we do need volunteers to be the staff that helps collect data, act as runners, handle communication, and all other aspects of keeping the information flowing back and forth from the field to the command center, security, food preparation and other personal needs."

"We really do sound like an army now," Magorian rumbled.

Jason nodded but didn't respond as he continued with his orders. " I would like each group to provide at least five to ten people to do this. To protect them and the precious information they will be dealing with, I also want a command center and housing to be set up and placed in a secure underground area within the Forbidden Forest. This needs to be done before the week is out. Any objections?" There were none. "Good. Now … are there any other matters needing addressed by this council?" Jason asked more formally. Heads looked at each other then looked back at their leader … no one responded. "Then this session is ended. Thank you for your attendance."

"Good people, food has been prepared so if you desire it please stay and enjoy," Agatha Hagrid announced from the door. She had been warned the meeting had ended by Fawkes.

"Food! Yes I could eat a whole pig," Blayrock exclaimed, rubbing his palms together in greed.

Many appreciative comments peppered the air as people broke up into smaller groups and waited for the food to be set out. With a snap of her fingers the food appeared on the meeting table along with plates, cups, and cutlery … buffet style. Everyone dug in.

Having filled a plate with some of the offerings, Snape went to the outlying chairs to sit in peace but was soon joined by Hagrid and Jason not long after.

"Your mother is a fine cook," Jason said grinning, eating daintily sitting very tall in his chair.

"Thank ye, Jason, she does indeed," Hagrid said, digging into the huge mound of food on his plate.

"Might I ask why you chose to sit with me," Severus asked politely as he too dug into his more modest pile of food.

"Aah... that would be my fault, Severus," Hagrid admitted. "I know you will be facing more than just hatred and difficulties from the students but also from a few of the teachers. There be some pressure from Headmaster Dumbledore and Professer McGonagell as well. The Order will also be a problem. I offer myself as your advocate and protector."

Snape gaped at him and nearly choked on his food. "Does that mean you intend to be who you truly are in front of all at the school?"

"Aye. Jason has agreed it be time. Change is coming and Harry will need my support and assistance more than I've been able to offer up to now. Don't forget, you will need access to my humble cottage to connect to the internet too," Hagrid said smiling.

Snape blushed. He loved the internet and missed it when he returned to Hogwarts. "That is certainly true. Does that mean things will be changing for Draco as well," he asked, worried for his Godson.

Hagrid frowned. "Now that be something I failed to remember with all else going on. What about his mother as well?"

"I believe she will be alright for now but she wont be able to return home until Lucius has shown himself to be a Death Eater. Remember he's managed to pull the wool over everyone's eyes so far and she has been seen as just as innocent as most of the high society mavens. So getting him arrested could take time. In the meantime, Draco is still his son and in significant danger from him," Severus warned.

"Is there not a way for the boy to be made a ward of the school if his life at home is a threat?" Jason asked.

"Only if that could be proven and it can't...not just yet. I hate having him in danger but for now there is nothing we can do except ensure he isn't taken home and even then we are treading a fine line of interfering with parental control. However, if his mother were the one who gave the order, Draco might be allowed to choose to stay or go and perhaps change houses as well..." Snape drifted off as he thought about how radical a change he was suggesting.

Hagrid reached out and touched Severus on the arm. The man stared at him frowning. "I know you love him very much. We will do all we can to insure he comes to no serious harm. I think your idea to switch houses be a good one. I believe Narcissa wants what's best for her son. But would she be willing to do this to protect him?"

"Yes, yes I believe she would. She would be unhappy about him changing houses but I think I can convince her and I believe the boy would be safer and happier in perhaps Ravenclaw. He's smart enough. Also, it would allow him to finally be open friends with Harry," Snape said, feeling this was the right choice for his Godson.

"Then I suggest we try and find Narcissa and ask her then make our case to the Headmaster," Hagrid said.

"Dumbledore will not be happy," Jason said with certainty.

"No, he wont but he also will listen to reason. And when it's a child in danger he will not hesitate to do what he can to protect them."

Snape sighed and set his half empty plate down, appetite gone as he realized his problems were only beginning. "You realize I'm going to be under fire from the Ministry once word slips out about my association with the Elder Council and it will. In addition to learning I was a spy for both the light and a Death Eater, though without the tattoo as proof they might not believe that now, though I believe Bones will. I will still be considered an enemy until I prove myself otherwise. This means the Aurors will want to arrest me."

"Aye, I know. Speaking to the Aurors as we plan to do should prevent that," Jason said heavily setting his own plate aside. "You still will encounter enmity and that can't be helped I'm afraid. One of your proofs may have to be you revealing your true self to get them to realize you are not just a 'beast' sympathizer," he added.

"Oh now wont that just set things on fire for me," Snape groaned.

"I wish I thought you were exaggerating but I know that be only the truth you are seeing," Hagrid sighed. "Well, all we can do now, Severus, is take each problem as it comes and deal with it. Just know you are no longer alone while you travel this even more treacherous road yer on."

Snape rolled his eyes but managed a small smile. "Thank you, that does help..some."

Jason gently patted the man on his back. "We will all be there if you need us. You are a very strong person, Severus, and will survive this. After all Harry Potter is going to need you when he starts his revolution for a better future."

"There is that," Snape smiled broadened, feeling a bit better about his chances.

Tomorrow would be an interesting day.
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